Forced booking
You can also use your own price calculation and add the price calculation to the system. You have to setup the price structure in a specific way. In the tutorial we will explain this in more detail
Prerequisits: Creating the API key
You have to add a private or public API key. To a create a private or public key check our getting started documentation.
For PHP we build a sdk. You can download our SDK from our Git Repository: here
API references
For this tutorial you will need the folowing API references:
Create Reservation API reference
Create the reservation
The required parameters a forced reservation are the:
accommodation_id (The accommoadtion id can be found using the accommodations api.)
persons / age_tables / birth_tables
persons: You can choose which parameter to use. It can depend on the parameter persons: The number of persons are calculated using the default age table.
age tables: You can use the systems age tables for the calculation. You need the age table id and amount to use this. The system will check if the age tables are valid
birth_tables You can also provide birthdays for each person. The system will convert the birth_tables to age_tables. These will also be returned in the price calculaton result.
- force
This parameters has to be set to true if you want a reservation to be forced using your own rules
- rows
The rows will have a specific format in json. Each row has a type, type_id (optional), description, amount and total:
"description": "Pitch description",
"description": "Guest price description",
API Reference
Create Reservation API reference
Example creating a reservation
"accommodation_id": 12345,
"arrival": "2021-08-15",
"departure": "2021-08-15",
"birth_tables" : [
"birthdate" : "1980-01-01",
"count" : 2
"birthdate" : "2018-01-01",
"count" : 0
"force": true,
"forced_rows" : [
"description": "Pitch description",
"description": "Guest price description",
"mainTraveler" : {
"gender": "male",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"address": "Canal Street",
"address_number": "1",
"zipcode": "1234AA",
"city": "Amsterdam",
"phone" : "0031123456789",
"email" : ""
"meta" : [],
// reservation